I love October.
The weather starts to cool off, the leaves are changing, school-year routine is back on track. There are a couple of important birthday seasons, and let’s not forget Halloween.
I did not love this October.
My beloved Beagle passed away early in the month and I was blindsided. I knew that he wasn’t quite himself and even sort of knew that he was sick, but I had no idea how quickly things would go and that just a few days into the month I’d be down to one dog. I spent many hours and dollars trying to “fix” him, but ultimately even chicken couldn’t cure what ailed him. I will refrain from typing the details, because even though time has passed, I can’t think about it for too long without getting teary.
Even though I shouldered the majority of the grief, my whole family was left with a bit of a hole. Walter was lost without Milo. Even though he was right by Milo’s side when he died, Walter still spent the days afterward looking for him. He looked in the car, in the yard, anywhere he thought his friend might be.
So, with some gentle nudging from my husband, I agreed it was time to get another puppy. I didn’t think I could love another Beagle so soon, so we settled on another Basset Hound.
I guess it was also my birthday in October. Forty-one is pretty anti-climatic, and I had a terrible head cold. But, John was very sweet and planned a nice night out in my old stomping grounds. We had a driver take us to Boulder for dinner at the Flagstaff House. It’s like time-traveling back to the 1970’s a little bit, but the food is always fantastic. And, the cocktails did not disappoint either! That’s one thing I’ve learned to do better as I age….mind you, I didn’t say less….I just said better.
We had one last birthday to celebrate and then everyone in the family was officially a year older. My little buddy turned EIGHT!
The poor kid was born the week before Halloween and has been stuck with that theme for his birthday party almost every year. But, you know what? He doesn’t mind….just one more way to prolong the season. This year we decided on a party at home with friends old and new. Martha Stewart showed up again to help me with the party planning, and I must say the food and decorations were awesome.